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Cold fall. The theme of love in the story “Cold Autumn” by Bunin Cold autumn, the theme of love


Ivan Bunin's story "Cold Autumn" can be grasped at a glance, like a picture, and at the same time, its meaning is deeper than a simple description. Why does the hero quote only the first stanza of the poem? Why does the heroine remember a single evening for thirty years? We bring to your attention the experience of a careful reading of the story "Cold Autumn".

Feral children - human children who grew up in conditions of extreme social isolation - without contact with people from an early age - and experienced little care and love from another person, had no experience of social behavior and communication. Such children, abandoned by their parents, are raised by animals or live in isolation.

If children had some social behavior skills before isolation from society, the process of their rehabilitation is much easier. Those who lived in the animal society for the first 3.5-6 years of their lives practically cannot master the human language, walk straight, communicate meaningfully with other people, despite the years spent later in the society of people, where they received enough care. This once again shows how important the first years of his life are for the development of the child.

These children are not human. If a person has not spoken before the age of six, then he is unlikely to speak. That is, who we are is a product of our culture, and culture is what we remember.

A person can not always formulate what he thought. There are “thoughts” or emotions when you later read about it and say that you thought so, but could not formulate it. In fact, it was a “thought-child”, there was no adult thought yet. And literature and art help to find a form for this thought.

Memory in relation to a person is not an exact word, especially now, when the word is firmly connected with memory a computer. When a person memorizes something, assimilates information, then the memory changes him, and the computer does not change from what is entered into its memory.

Many great writers thought about memory. For example, V.V. Nabokov in "Memory, Speak" Camus also gives occasion for deep reflection. The hero of his work "The Outsider" has been in solitary confinement in prison for quite a long time. This is what he felt after a certain time:

“Yes, I had to endure some troubles, but I was not very unhappy. The most important thing, I will say again, was to kill time. But since I learned to remember, I have not been bored. Sometimes I remembered my bedroom: I imagined how I went out of one corner and, having passed through the room, came back; I went over in my mind everything that I met on my way. In the beginning, I got over it quickly. But each time the journey took more and more time. I remembered not only a cabinet, a table or a shelf, but all the things that were there, and I drew each thing for myself in every detail: color and material, inlay pattern, crack, jagged edge. He tried his best not to lose the thread of his inventory, not to forget a single item. After a few weeks, I could spend hours describing everything that was in my bedroom. The more I thought about it, the more forgotten or neglected things popped up in my memory. And then I realized that a person who lived in the world for at least one day could easily spend a hundred years in prison. He would have enough memories to not be bored. In a way, it was beneficial."

A. Camus. "Outsider"

In the story "Cold Autumn" one can just see the process of forming thought and memory. The protagonist quotes Fet's poems:

“Dressing in the hallway, he continued to think something, with a sweet smile he remembered Fet’s poems:

What a cold autumn!

Put on your shawl and hood...

I don't remember, it seems like this:

Look - between the blackening pines

As if the fire rises ... "

I.A. Bunin. "Cold fall"

He helps his future wife to make the last evening of their meeting so bright and strong that at the end of her life she says:

“But, remembering everything that I have experienced since then, I always ask myself: yes, but what did happen in my life? And I answer myself: only that cold autumn evening. Has he ever been? Still, there was. And that's all that was in my life - the rest is an unnecessary dream.

I.A. Bunin. "Cold fall"

Remember the beginning of the piece:

“In June of that year, he visited us on the estate - he was always considered our man: his late father was a friend and neighbor of my father. On June 15, Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo. On the morning of the sixteenth they brought newspapers from the post office. Father left the office with a Moscow evening newspaper in his hands into the dining room, where he, mother and I were still sitting at the tea table, and said:

- Well, my friends, war! Austrian crown prince killed in Sarajevo. This is war!

On Peter's Day, a lot of people came to us - it was my father's name day - and at dinner he was announced as my fiance. But on the nineteenth of July, Germany declared war on Russia...

In September, he came to us for just a day - to say goodbye before leaving for the front (everyone then thought that the war would end soon, and our wedding was postponed until spring). And then came our farewell party. After supper, as usual, a samovar was served, and, looking at the windows fogged up from its steam, the father said:

- Surprisingly early and cold autumn!

We sat quietly that evening, only occasionally exchanging insignificant words, exaggeratedly calm, hiding our secret thoughts and feelings. With feigned simplicity, my father said about autumn. I went to the balcony door and wiped the glass with a handkerchief: in the garden, in the black sky, pure ice stars sparkled brightly and sharply..

I.A. Bunin. "Cold fall"

This is a story about how poetry helps to see the beauty of the world, how they create a mood, how they help to live through difficult moments.

The main character is a very talented person, he knows how to see and live what is needed. Note that he only quotes the first stanza of Fet's poem. Perhaps, he remembered the second stanza, but quoted the first. Because it is felt that his beloved has not yet unfolded as a person, has not had time to fall in love, she is still only in anticipation of the emotions that she will have. He understands that she is not yet ready for this love. He saw her coldness, non-involvement in the present moment. Therefore, he quotes only the first stanza. The second one goes like this:

"Shine of the northern night

I remember always near you

And phosphorescent eyes shine,

They just don't warm me up."

The hero, feeling his chosen one, recalls the second stanza, but, as a delicate person, he quotes the first. He anticipates that he will be her only one, he does not need to rush. For their happiness, even his love is enough. In her coldness, he is able to see the beauty.

Bunin has wonderful poems:

We always remember happiness

And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it

This autumn garden behind the barn

And clean air pouring through the window.

In the bottomless sky with a light white edge

Rise, the cloud shines. For a long time

I follow him ... We see little, we know

And happiness is given only to those who know.

The window is open. She squeaked and sat down

A bird on the windowsill. And from books

I look away tired for a moment.

The day is getting dark, the sky is empty,

The hum of the threshing machine is heard in the threshing floor...

I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me.

I.A. Bunin. "Evening"

The hero of the story understands how to feel happiness, enjoy it.

The heroine says a banal thing, and he guesses her thoughts from this banality:

“I thought: “What if the truth is killed? And will I really forget it in some short time - after all, everything is eventually forgotten? And hastily answered, frightened by her thought:

- Do not say that! I won't survive your death!

After a pause, he spoke slowly:

- Well, if they kill you, I'll wait for you there. You live, rejoice in the world, then come to me.

I.A. Bunin. "Cold fall"

The fact that someone will not survive someone's death is usually said when they do not want to communicate on this important topic for the interlocutor. For example, a person knows that he is mortally ill and says that he will die soon. He wants to talk about this topic, even though it is difficult. And often loved ones leave this conversation, despite the fact that it is their support that is needed.

In the story, we see that, due to her youth, the heroine does not know how to talk about this topic. Then she herself says that she survived the loss and lived on. She had a long life, but he was the only one for her - this evening. And this evening was decorated by the hero himself with his quote, by what he said:

“- Look how very special, in autumn, the windows of the house shine. I will be alive, I will always remember this evening ... "

I.A. Bunin. "Cold fall"

Pay attention to the poetry of his phrase.

If we imagine that he would not have turned out to be such a person, would not have quoted Fet, would not have expressed feelings in verse, then this evening would not have remained in her memory for the rest of her life. This example clearly shows how important literature is, how it helps.

Bunin, like his heroine, died in exile.

Bunin was very upset by what happened to Russia. Probably, before his death, he dreamed of joining her there, who was killed in wars:

“How can we forget the Motherland? Can a person forget his homeland? She is in the soul. I am a very Russian person. It doesn't disappear over the years."

I.A. Bunin


Under a leaden sky

Gloomy winter day fades,

And there is no end to the pine forests,

And far from the villages.

One mist is milky blue,

Like someone's mild sorrow,

Above this snowy desert

Softens the gloomy distance.

I.A. Bunin

Note that there are no names of the characters in the story. There is only the name of Duke Ferdinand. Truly close people live for us without a name, we do not need to name them. They just occupy some part of us.

It is worth noting that the main word in the story is soul. You can even catch a reference to Pushkin's Tatyana:

“Tatyana stood in front of the windows,

Breathing on cold glass

Thinking my soul

Written with a lovely finger

On a foggy window

Treasured monogram O yes E.

A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin"

And about what happened to the main character that evening in the cold autumn, Bunin clearly says in his other story:

“However, there was no one, and I stood, trembling with excitement and listening to the small, sleepy babble of aspens. Then I sat down on a damp bench ... I was still waiting for something, sometimes I glanced quickly into the dusk of dawn ... And for a long time a close and elusive breath of happiness was felt around me - that terrible and great that at one time or another meets all of us on the threshold of life . It suddenly touched me - and, perhaps, did exactly what it needed to do: touch and leave. I remember that all those tender words that were in my soul finally brought tears to my eyes. Leaning against the trunk of a damp poplar, I caught, like someone’s consolation, the faintly arising and fading babble of leaves and was happy with my soundless tears ... "

I.A. Bunin. "Dawn all night"

The story "Cold Autumn" teaches attention to the world, the ability to see the important in what surrounds us. But he himself requires careful reading. When an author writes a work and quotes other authors in it, he implies that the reader knows the cited work in full. In the age of the internet, it's pretty easy to find out exactly what an author was quoting, whenever they wrote it.

This story teaches a careful and careful attitude to one's life. Because what happens to a person turns into his memories and changes him, makes him a different person.

The most detailed description of the properties of memory is in the famous work of Proust, in which memories, the ability to remember, are put in one of the first places:

“Suddenly the memory came alive. It was the taste of a piece of biscuit, which in Combray every Sunday morning (on Sundays I did not leave the house before Mass) treated me, soaked in tea or lime blossom, Aunt Leonie, when I came to greet her. The very sight of a biscuit awakened nothing in me until I had tasted it; perhaps because I later often saw this cake on the shelves of pastry shops, but did not eat it, its image left Combray and merged with more recent impressions; perhaps because not a single one of the memories that fell out of memory a long time ago was resurrected, they all crumbled; the forms—including the shell-cakes, which aroused keenly sensuous perception with each of their austere and pious folds—died out or, immersed in sleep, lost the ability to spread, thanks to which they could reach consciousness. But when there was nothing left of the distant past, when living beings died out, and things collapsed, only the smell and taste, more fragile, but more tenacious, more immaterial, more resistant, more reliable, for a long time, like the souls of the dead, remind of for themselves, they hope, they wait, and they, these barely perceptible crumbs, among the ruins carry, without bending, a huge building of remembrance.

M. Proust. "Toward Swann"

Sometimes a memory tries to emerge in memory, but it does not work out, and some little thing helps to remember everything at once.

The stories of Ivan Bunin have always been distinguished by their penetrating and peculiar subtlety of narration. This work is a story of a woman who describes her life. In particular, she describes one evening in her youth when she felt almost happy and lived every moment vividly.

The plot of the story is simple - the main character tells about the beginning of the First World War and about a significant evening that will forever remain in her memory. Then she talks about what happened next, about deprivation, about death, about migration. But, summing up a certain result of her life, she always returns to the cold autumn of the 14th year. Then her whole family was alive, and feelings with the now deceased groom only flared up. The composition of the story is based on the fact that the story returns to the past.

In the story, all the characters are not spelled out in great detail. It is known that a girl in love with a future soldier has a father and mother, many relatives. Also later, after the death of the latter, a grumpy Moscow merchant appears, a new husband, a girl who forgets the kindness of a woman. All these chaotic events, faces were and have passed. But it seems that only that cold autumn evening, the beloved groom and parents remain in the heart of the heroine.

The attitude of the writer to this woman is paternally warm. He understands her thoughts, her pain. He knows that the war and revolution broke the personal happiness of many, and writes this very story about one of the victims.
Bunin uses figurative and expressive means. Among them are epithets - “early”, “cold” - reflecting autumn, personification - “the windows of the house shine”, metaphors - “boughs showered with stars”. All means create a special, soft atmosphere in the work. The love of a girl and her fiancé, the silence of a beautiful evening, the twinkling of stars, eternity...

This is a story - a memory. Remembrance through the dream of a lifetime, as the heroine herself put it in the text. Dear heart nostalgia lives in her memory and heart forever. Ivan Bunin has such a subtle understanding of the mental organization of people. In particular, this work of his is profound from a psychological point of view. Small in size, the story absorbs the tragedy of one tender soul. Her simple happiness was stolen by the confrontation of powers and the arms race. But how many of those who just want to live in peace and appreciate every moment of life, as the heroine appreciated that cool autumn evening.

Analysis of the work Cold Autumn Bunin

A work called "Cold Autumn" was written by Bunin in 1944 in May. It is also included in the author's cycle "Dark Alleys". The plot of the work is quite voluminous and significant.

Genre of the work: story. Although this is just a story, it contains so much information, as well as emotions, that it could be considered a whole novel. In the story itself, the events seem to stretch for as much as thirty years. If we briefly describe the events that take place in the plot itself, it becomes clear that the two main characters fall in love, after which, naturally, they want to get married and live together, raise children and create a strong family. But one event interferes, which spoils the beautiful picture of a close-knit family and the love of heroes. After all, the fact is that war was declared. Which means the main character, the guy, will have to go to war. And before that, when no one suspects anything yet, an important event takes place for the young - an engagement that coincides with her father's name day. At the very moment when the engagement is announced, war is declared. This means that a joyful event will have to be postponed.

Bunin shows how bitter the girl is, and the guy too. But both hold on, not showing their disappointment and fear of the upcoming events. In addition, the author in the story itself does not name his heroes in any way. And this is quite usual for this author, because he considers it important not the very name of the main or secondary heroes, but the very essence and thought invested in this work. Also, there are no portrait characteristics at all, which also characterizes Bunin as a writer. He simply describes the events, and the reader himself sees from the actions of the characters what they are like as a person. It is always interesting, because reading between the lines develops a person, giving him the opportunity to learn to understand people.

Bunin was able to describe his heroes as very realistic people, he did not add any too colorful details to their descriptions or to the plot itself. Everything looks very natural and realistic, which is perceived well. But in his work there are many beautiful, almost insignificant in appearance, details, which, nevertheless, make the story very interesting and colorful in emotions. For example: “eyes shining with tears”, “glasses”, “cigarettes” and others. It is to these details, as it sometimes seems, that even too much attention is given than to the heroes themselves in their description, which is very sparing.

If you still try to describe the main characters, you can still find, after reading only the whole story, that the guy is smart, delicate and very brave. His girlfriend is also smart and beautiful. In addition, both are very proud, and do not show their feelings too much, especially in public.

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I'm doomed to know longing...

Analysis of the story by I.A. Bunin "Cold Autumn"

And the analysis of the story should begin with a fairly traditional, but effective form - the teacher reading the text itself. As you know, a teacher who reads aloud becomes the first interpreter of a work, placing its semantic accents with the help of voice and intonation. Bunin's story is small in volume, and reading it at the beginning of the lesson is all the more advisable because it does not take much time.

The next stage of the lesson - “the word of the teacher”, is necessary both as an introduction and as a reminder to students about the main themes of Bunin's prose (a lecture on the writer's work and an analysis of poems have already been held earlier).

It is advisable to begin the analysis of the text by highlighting the basic motives and artistic techniques in the story. These points are pre-written on the board.

The plot and characters.

Chronotope: existential and everyday space and time, real and cosmic.

Coloring and “tactility” of the text.

motives(love, death, memory, life).

At home, the students had to find manifestations of these motives in the text and write out as many examples as possible for each of the points. As the lesson progresses, the diagram on the board will expand and be supplemented by observations made in the lesson. The teacher needs to emphasize the fundamental sequence of topics recorded on the board.

The teacher's first question is:

- What is the plot of the story? State it in a few sentences.

There is a certain he, there is a she - they love each other; the wedding was to take place. The girl is very afraid of losing him. He is killed in the war. And then all her life (thirty years) she retains the memory of a single evening - their happiest meeting.

It is necessary to start with what lies on the surface of the text, which can be perceived by any ordinary consciousness. Students find out that the plot is too simple, which means that the meaning needs to be looked for deeper.

If schoolchildren do not pay attention to an important feature of Bunin's love prose - the lack of names for the heroes, designating them only with pronouns (a special method of Bunin, emphasizing the generalization of the fate of people, the tragedy of all), you can ask a provocative question: why, when retelling the plot, do you constantly make a “speech mistake” - repeat the pronouns “he” and “she”?

From the ordinary level of perception of the text, we proceed to work with artistic categories.

Any literary text, as you know, corresponds to the universal categories - space and time, which acquire a symbolic meaning in the text. How is this work “constructed”, what chronotopes can we single out and how are they related to each other?

One of the students draws up a diagram, and the rest comment on the text. Gradually such a picture emerges.

  • The house as a temple and a talisman and its subsequent destruction; accordingly, life is like a journey and wandering.
  • The path as the life path of one person and as a historical vector of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Finally, a house devoid of spatial boundaries, a house located outside the earthly world. This is the space where the heroine aspires to her beloved, this is a movement towards immortality: “And I believe, fervently believe: somewhere he is waiting for me - with the same love and youth as in that evening ". “You live, rejoice in the world, then come to me ... "" I lived, I was glad, now I will come soon." Together with the students, the teacher notes the key words of the fragment: "somewhere", “that evening”, "to me". Thus, Bunin translates earthly space into cosmic space, linear time into eternal time.

· Time as an instant (human life) and as eternity. Bunin's eternity is always cyclical and indestructible. So, the heroine says at the end of the story about their only evening: "And that's all that was in my life - the rest is an unnecessary dream." The teacher draws the attention of high school students to the words “sleep” and “unnecessary”.

Why is life called a dream?

The motif of life as a dream (in the Buddhist sense) is generally characteristic of Bunin's poetics. Life is an illusion, but a sad and tragic illusion.

Who is to blame for this tragedy? War? Revolution? God? Wrong social order?

Bunin is non-social, therefore, war, and revolution, and history for him are only partial manifestations of world evil, which is indestructible. The whole story is an attempt by the writer to understand and comprehend how the world's evil affects the fate of an individual. Let's remember again: the heroes have no names, and this is a confirmation that different human destinies are the same, that a person is a toy in the hands of fate.

Then the teacher focuses the attention of high school students on another important temporal aspect of the work:

- Please note that the whole story is written as a memory of the heroine about the past. What motive in connection with such construction of artistic time appears in the text?

Memory. In the chaos of the world, it is a salvation from oblivion. Memory, according to Bunin, is no less, but more real than the flow of reality. It is always associated with culture, which is the preservation of everything that goes into oblivion.

The teacher can read a number of poems by Osip Mandelstam (for example, from the cycle "Stone"), in which the so-called "cultural memory" is most clearly manifested - a special kind of poetic category that served Mandelstam as the basis of his attitude to the values ​​of culture. Such an appeal to a “foreign” voice will make it possible to pave the way for the study of the poetics of acmeism, as well as to compare the “two memories” of the great artists of the word.

- What artistic means does Bunin use to emphasize the reality of memory and the unreality of reality? As you know, Bunin is a master of describing subtle human sensations and states of nature. And in this he is close to impressionism.

First of all, color painting, light painting and “tactility”. Also in the work we see the direct inclusion of a poetic quotation. As for impressionism, the hero in the story seems to be deliberately reading Fet's poem to his beloved, since it is in Fet's work that there are many impressionistic features.

- Let's work with these categories: name the main colors, descriptions of the physical sensations of the characters and determine the meanings of Fet's lines quoted by the character in the context of the story (one student writes out the words on the board: “color”, “tactility”, “intertext”).

Color and light. Students name the words for colors and give their symbolic interpretation using the “Dictionary of Symbols”: “black”, “brilliant”, “red”, “sunny”, “mineral-shining stars”, “sparkling sun”. Black color - the tragedy of man, a premonition of trouble. Red is the color of blood and also tragedy, a color that marks a future catastrophe. Golden (autumn) is associated with nature. Combining, the colors emphasize the inseparable connection of human sensations with the natural principle. Schoolchildren note that the epithet “brilliant” (“luminous”, “sparkling”) combines such artistic details as stars (“shiny stars”), house windows (“like ... in autumn shine windows of the house”), the eyes of the heroine (“how the eyes shine”) and draw a conclusion about the unity of everything in the world: nature, man, inanimate objects (house).

Many words in the story are devoted to the feelings of the characters. The name itself - "Cold Autumn" - is not only a designation of the cold season, but also metaphorically - the coldness of this world in relation to man, all the same world evil. High school students name words and phrases related to the theme of cold: “windows fogged up from steam”, “surprisingly early and cold autumn”, “rubbed the glass with a handkerchief”, “ice stars”, “sparkling frost”.

As for Fet, it is both a symbol of Russian pre-revolutionary antiquity, and a poetic understanding of nature, and finally, the acceptance of death, eternity. Fet does not have freezing and dying, but an eternal grandiose movement in a circle; It is not for nothing that the word “fire” is used in the poem - the antithesis of the cold and icy world.

- What other traditional motifs are found in the text?

Love and death. Love, according to Bunin, is also a touch of eternity, and not the path to earthly happiness; in Bunin's artistic world, happy love cannot be found. Bunin's love is outside the laws of time and space, and therefore death not only does not destroy love, but is its continuation in eternity. Despite the short duration of love, it still remains eternal - it is indestructible in the memory of the heroine precisely because it is fleeting in life. It is no coincidence that the story ends with the motive of love: “But, remembering everything that I have experienced since then, I always ask myself: yes, but what did happen in my life? And I answer myself: only that cold autumn evening.

Finishing the analysis of the story, we note that its ending is open to further interpretations. Therefore, as homework let's give a short essay-essay, the theme of which will be the words of the heroine at the end of the story: "And that's all that was in my life - the rest is an unnecessary dream."

Preparation for a review of Bunin's story "Cold Autumn".

This work from the cycle "Dark Alleys" was written in May 1944. The plot as such is difficult to see: one evening and compressed events 30 years long. The conflict of this story: the love of the characters and the obstacles in their path. Here love is death. The beginning of the conflict of love and death occurs when the word "war" was heard at the tea table. Development is the engagement of heroes, which coincides with the name day of the father. Engagement announced - war declared. A farewell evening arrives, the hero comes to say goodbye, the wedding is postponed until spring (the heroes do not expect the war to last long). The culmination of the story is the words of the hero: "You live, rejoice in the world, then come to me." The denouement - the heroine carried her love through 30 years, she perceives death as a quick meeting with her beloved.

Typical of Bunin's stories is that the characters do not have names. The pronouns OH and SHE imply the fate of many. There are no portrait characteristics in the story (who, if not the heroine, would describe her lover, but this is not the case). In addition, the story is full of details: “eyes shining with tears” (of the heroine), “glasses” (of the mother), “newspaper”, “cigarette” (of the father) - which is typical for Bunin’s stories.

The central episode of the story is the farewell party. Each of the characters at this moment protects the feelings of the other. All outwardly calm. The mask of calm disappears at the moment of farewell in the garden.

The character of the protagonist Bunin reveals through his speech: this young man is educated, delicate, caring. The heroine in the image of Bunin is infantile. At the moment of parting, HE reads Fet's poems (the text of which is distorted) in order to emotionally reinforce the general atmosphere. The heroine does not understand anything in poetry. In this situation, she is not up to her: a few more minutes and they will part.

In this story, the plot outline, the problems, the short duration of love coincide, but at the same time it is not similar to any of the stories in the Dark Alleys cycle: in 22 stories the narration is narrated from an impersonal person, and only in Cold Autumn the heroine narrates.

The dates are noteworthy, among which the exact dates can be noted - 1914 (historical similarity - the assassination of Ferdinand), that year is a paraphrase, some dates - you can only guess about them (the author does not mention anything about 1917, the years of the Civil War).

The story can be divided into 2 compositional parts: before the death and after the death of the hero.


Artistic time flies with catastrophic speed, like a carousel of events.

art space


There are no relatives. The girl being brought up is far from the heroine of the story (“she became completely French”).

The heroine is a naive girl.

She lost everything, but saved herself: his testament is her going through torment, about which she speaks calmly, indifferently; she is no more than 50 years old, but her voice sounds like the voice of an old woman, because everything is leftthere in the past .

Artistic details

House, lamp, samovar (comfort)

Glasses, newspaper (belong to loved ones)

Silk bag, golden scapular (symbolizes the present)

Cape (desire to hug)

Basement, corner of the Arbat and the market (the whole of Russia has turned into a market)

There are no details related to loved ones.

The golden lace with which sweets are tied, satin paper are symbols of fake life, tinsel.

Bast shoes, zipun - the fate of millions.

Conclusion: BEFORE - security, AFTER - universal loneliness.

The motive of memory sounds from the beginning to the end of the story. Memory is the only way to preserve the features of a loved one, but at the same time, memory for the heroine is a duty: “I lived, I was glad, now I will come soon.”

The story "Cold Autumn" shows not only the death of the hero, but also the death of Russia, which we have lost. Bunin makes the reader think how early the horror that they should have experienced fell on the souls of the heroes.


Morozova Elena Ivanovna, MOAU Secondary School No. 5

Language means of expression in a literary text (on the example of I.A. Bunin's story "Cold Autumn")


Improve the skills of analyzing a work of art, paying attention to the features of Bunin's style;

Develop the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, argue your point of view;

Find out how speech means work to express the author's idea.

Methods: analytical conversation; analysis.


The better, the deeper a person knows the language, the richer, deeper and more accurate

his thoughts will be expressed. The richness of language is the richness of thoughts.


There is no word that would be so bold,

smartly, it would have burst out from under the very heart, it would have boiled and quivered like a well-spoken Russian word.

N.V. Gogol.

“... elusive artistic precision, amazing pictorialism, ... how can one manage without sounds in music, in painting without image colors .... objects, and in literature without a word, things, as you know, but completely incorporeal »

I.A. Bunin

1.. Against the background of “music by P. I. Tchaikovsky “Sweet Dream” (the student reads the 1st part of the story.)

Teacher.The opinion of Bunin has long and firmly established itself as one of the greatest stylists in Russian literature. In his work, those features of Russian literature that the writer himself considered "most precious" were clearly manifested - the elusive artistic accuracy, amazing depiction, ... how can you manage without sounds in music, in painting without colors and without images, and in literature Without a word, things are known to be not entirely incorporeal.

It was the figurativeness that Bunin considered the hallmark of a truly artistic work.

It is about the expressiveness of the Bunin word, about linguistic means that will be discussed in today's lesson.

4.0 we turn to the epigraphs.Let's read the epigraphs.

- What is the main idea of ​​these statements?Write down the topic of the lesson, choose an epigraph.

- What a story?(0 love.)

- What do you know about the history of writing, time?

( The story was written in 1944. Part of the "Dark Alleys" cycle. This cycle

is central to the work of Bunin. It is noteworthy that all the stories of this cycle are about love. All 38 short stories are united by one theme - the themelove. Love makes the life of Bunin's heroes significant.

- Let's look at the title of the story.

( This is an inaccurate reproduction of the line of Fetov's poem without


The student reads the poem.

What a cold autumn!

Put on your shawl and hood;

Look: because of the dormant pines

As if a fire is rising.

Radiance of the northern night

I remember always near you

And phosphorescent eyes shine,

They just don't warm me up.

- If the story is about love, then why didn’t Bunin call it differently, didn’t connect

name with the word "love"?

( The title of the story is a metaphor for the loneliness of the already middle-aged heroine (“autumn

life"), but at the same time - this is a desirable time for her, an ideal situation:

return to the autumn of 1914, leaving foreternity.

Find in the textconfirmation of this... .yes, but what happened in my life? And I answerto myself: only that cold evening.

.. . And this is all that was in my life - the rest is an unnecessary dream.)

- Prove now in your own words thatallthe rest is an unnecessary dream.

The words of the heroine's fiancé sound like a sad refrain, a repeating phrase. “You live, rejoice ...” And we see that the heroine lives only one evening.

- What is the composition of the story?

exposition about a month and a half: the first half of June until19 July 1913. The events leading up to the plot are shown.

Main part Evening in September, the morning of the departure of the hero (pause-me-

month). The death of the hero is his departure from life and the "interruption" of the life of the heroine.

The final thirty years of the painful existence of the heroine.

Return from the plot present (1944) to the "beginning" - a memory of Nice in 1912.

Let's take a look at the exposure.

- What struck you as odd at the beginning of the story?

( Bunin deliberately does not name the characters.)

- In the first part of the story,howand throughout the story the author uses

realities. Findthem.

( The beginning of the war, ... lived in Moscow, left for Yekaterinodar, sailed from

Novorossiysk to Turkey ... Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Paris,


- You can draw a parallel between the heroine and the writer himself, on

whose share fell a lot of hardships: wandering, loss of homeland, longing.

- Find more realities.(War with Germany, assassination of Ferdinand...)

Student. In the story the wordwar brings anxiety. Although we do not see the military

actions, but events dictate to us one more theme - the theme of world war.

There is no scale of war, but its destructive power is palpable.

Confirm with text. (... came just for a day - to say goodbye to

departure forfront, ourfarewell evening; If mewill kill...,

killed him in a month...)

Name the language means in the 1st part of the story.

Students find expressive means, draw a conclusion.

( Bunin's language is characterized by the stable nature of the tropes. Crystal ringing, candy face, mourning. In the story, this is a fatal bag, secret thoughts, a farewell party, a chocolate shop. Based on the use of precious stones and gems, the words silver, gold - showered with shining stars, how the eyes shine! Golden scapular, sparkling frost, handles with silver nails, gold laces.)

This story is characterized by the use of figurative means to designate the "material world", the world of sensations that create the plan of the eternal.(Prove this with text.)

(We were sitting quietly that evening... hiding oursecret thoughts and feelings; So what if they kill you?I'll be waiting for you there... ..somewhere there he is waiting for me with the same love and youth.

- Yes, these images interact with the images of the eternal world, being, incomprehensible to man.

In order to make sure that many of Bunin's works are characterized by the image of the eternal world, let's compare the poem "In the window from the dark cabin ..." and the story "Cold Autumn".

Only one starry sky

One firmament is motionless,

Calm and blissful, alien to Everything that is so gloomy underneath.

“... In the garden, in the black sky, bright ...

“Then they began to appear in the light-

black boughs in the soaring sky, showered with mineral-shiny


In the story, the divine splendor of the world is opposed to chaos, the merciless power of fate. Repetitions are used (If Iwill kill. . .And suddenly the truthwill kill? Well, what ifwill kill...

What is the connection between parts 1 and 2 of the story?

(2- I part begins with the wordkilled. Those. the power of fate is merciless.)

- Name epithets that confirm this. (cold, black, indifferent)

1. Analyzing nature and man, we say that the landscape repeats the state of the lyrical hero. Please confirm this with text.

(Surprisingly early andcold fall. - Younot cold? Cold, a cold evening is associated with coldness in the souls of heroes, a premonition of trouble. Winter evening - the death of a lover.

The variety of shades is fixed with the help of epithets, a combination of adverbs with adjectives.(color adverbs). Find them.

Pure ice stars, a hot lamp, autumn charm, mineral shining stars, in autumn.

Teacher. The story is built on the associative links of the present and the past, therefore, it has a spatial and temporal perspective. Its peculiarity is that in the emotional-evaluative terms, the present and the past are colored by a general tone of excitement..(Could I think in those happy days what she (Nice) would one day become for me!). The heroine is immersed in herself - in her inner world the past and the present coexist equally, equally vividly experienced now and then.The idea of ​​Bunin's style would be far from complete if we limited ourselves only to the characterization of figurative means. After all, Bunin is one of the finest Russian stylists.

- So, let's make a conclusion about what expressive means of the language, what tricks uses I.A. Bunin.

The arsenal of figurative and expressive means of language in the story "Cold Autumn" is exceptionally rich and diverse. Here are both paths and stylistic figures designed to decorate speech, make it accurate, clear, expressive, fraught with innumerable treasures and values. But he reveals his wealth only to those who have a true love for the language, for the word.

Music sounds. "Sweet dream".

Homework. Write a review on the story "Cold Autumn".

Approximate review plan:

1. Date of publication of the work (when it was written or published). 2. The history of creation, the idea of ​​the work. 3. Genre originality of the work. 4. The plot and composition of the work (what is this work about, name its main events, note the plot, climax, denouement, the role of the epilogue and epigraph (if any). 5. Topic (what is said in the work), what topics are covered in the work. 6. Problems (what problems, questions) are touched upon in the work, are they important, why exactly are they considered by the author. 7. Characteristics of the main artistic images (names, striking features of appearance, social status, philosophy of life, views on the world, relationships with other characters, experiences, emotions, what problem / problems is associated with this character). 8. The idea and pathos of the work (what the author wanted to say, his view of the author on the issues raised, what he calls for). 9. The place of the work in the writer's work (is this work important for understanding the writer's work, does it reflect the main themes and problems in his work, is it possible to judge the style of the writer, his worldview from this work). 10. The place of the work in the history of literature (is this work significant for Russian literature and world literature, why). 11. Your impression of the work (liked / disliked, why).