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Composition on the topic: Bazarov's attitude to parents in Turgenev's novel “Fathers and Sons. How is the character of Bazarov revealed in relations with his parents? Bazaars' message and his parents briefly


The novel "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, written in the already distant nineteenth century, remains relevant and understandable even to the modern reader, because this work reveals many important and fundamental topics. Love and friendship, conflicts and misunderstandings based on differing worldviews, the search for one's own place in this world - all this is reflected in the novel. However, one of the most interesting storylines from a psychological point of view is the relationship between fathers and children, which are clearly revealed on the example of one of the main characters of the work, Evgeny Bazarov.

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov from the first chapters of the novel appears to readers as a rational, somewhat cynical and ironic person, who denies all sorts of values ​​and ideals, simply a nihilist. He is smart, erudite and passionate about medicine from an early age, which, of course, is an important aspect in characterizing a hero who does not attach importance to either cultural values ​​or art directly.

Bazarov's parents are almost the exact opposite of their son. His mother, Arina Vlasyevna, is a typical Russian woman of that time - kind, somewhat superstitious, unwilling to think about global problems. She is focused on housekeeping and everyday life, she is not interested in science issues. Father Yevgeny, Vasily Bazarov, can be called a kind and disinterested person, always ready to help people around him. A former doctor, and now a modest landowner, he continues to treat people, is interested in innovations in the world of medicine, and even tries to demonstrate to Eugene his competence in these matters, although somewhat unsuccessfully. And, of course, Vasily never spared anything for the education of his son, who decided to follow in his footsteps when choosing a profession.

It is impossible and pointless to question the fact that Bazarov Jr. loves his parents, he himself says this to Arkady, his comrade. However, Eugene expresses feelings differently from his emotional parents, therefore he is perceived as a somewhat distant and dry character, not prone to sentimentality and sensitivity.

In my opinion, in the novel "Fathers and Sons" the author perfectly depicts the human characters and the peculiarities of the interaction of people who are really different both in worldview and in temperament. I believe that the main thing in the relationship between Yevgeny Bazarov and his parents is sincere and pure love, and the form in which it is expressed and what words it is clothed in is a secondary matter.

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In the novel "Fathers and Sons" Bazarov's parents are bright representatives of the older generation. Despite the fact that the author does not pay as much attention to them as, say, to the Kirsanov brothers, the images of Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna are not given by chance. With their help, the author most fully shows the relationship between generations.

Bazarov's parents

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov is the father of the main character of the novel. This is a man of the old school, brought up in strict rules. His desire to appear modern and progressive is endearing, but the reader realizes that he is more of a conservative than a liberal. Even in his profession as a healer, he adheres to traditional methods, not trusting modern medicine. He believes in God, but tries not to show his faith, especially in front of his wife.

Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova - Eugene's mother, a simple Russian woman. She is poorly educated, strongly believes in God. The image of a fussy old woman created by the author looks old-fashioned even for that time. Turgenev writes in the novel that she should have been born two hundred years ago. She causes only a pleasant impression, which does not spoil either her piety and superstition, or her good nature and complaisance.

The relationship between parents and Bazarov

The characterization of Bazarov's parents clearly shows that for these two people there is nothing more important than their only son. It is in it that the meaning of their life lies. And it doesn’t matter at all whether Eugene is nearby or far away, all thoughts and conversations are only about a dearly beloved and beloved child. From every word emanates care and tenderness. The old people speak very tenderly about their son. They love him with blind love, which cannot be said about Evgeny himself: it is difficult to call Bazarov’s attitude towards his parents love.

At first glance, it is difficult to call Bazarov's relationship with his parents warm and affectionate. You can even say that he does not appreciate parental warmth and care at all. But this is far from true. He sees and notices everything, even experiences reciprocal feelings. But to show them openly, he is not something that he does not know how, he simply does not consider it necessary to do this. And others do not allow this.

Bazarov is negative about any attempts by parents to show joy from his presence. The Bazarov family knows this, and the parents try to hide their true feelings from him, do not show increased attention to him and do not show their love.

But all these qualities of Eugene are ostentatious. But the hero realizes this too late, only when he is already dying. Nothing can be changed or returned. Bazarov understands this, and therefore asks Odintsova not to forget his old people: “People like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire.”

These words from his mouth can be compared with a declaration of love for his parents, he just does not know how to express it in another way.

But the absence or manifestation of love is not the cause of misunderstanding between generations, and the upbringing of Bazarov is a vivid confirmation of this. He does not abandon his parents, on the contrary, he dreams that they understand him and share his convictions. Parents try to do this, but still remain true to their traditional views. It is this discrepancy that leads to the problem of the eternal misunderstanding of children and fathers.

In the novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov's parents are bright representatives of the older generation. Despite the fact that the author does not pay as much attention to them as, say, to the Kirsanov brothers, the images of Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vasilievna are not given by chance. With their help, the author most fully shows the relationship between generations.

Bazarov's parents

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov is the father of the main character of the novel. This is a man of the old school, brought up in strict rules. His desire to appear modern and progressive is endearing, but the reader realizes that he is more of a conservative than a liberal. Even in his profession as a healer, he adheres to traditional methods, not trusting modern medicine. He believes in God, but tries not to show his faith, especially in front of his wife.

Arina Vasilievna Bazarova - Eugene's mother, a simple Russian woman. She is poorly educated, strongly believes in God. The image of a fussy old woman created by the author looks old-fashioned even for that time. Turgenev writes in the novel that she should have been born two hundred years ago.
She causes only a pleasant impression, which does not spoil either her piety and superstition, or her good nature and complaisance.

The relationship between parents and Bazarov

The characterization of Bazarov's parents clearly shows that for these two people there is nothing more important than their only son. It is in it that the meaning of their life lies. And it doesn’t matter at all whether Eugene is nearby or far away, all thoughts and conversations are only about a dearly beloved and beloved child. From every word emanates care and tenderness. The old people speak very tenderly about their son. They love him with blind love, which cannot be said about Evgeny himself: it is difficult to call Bazarov’s attitude towards his parents love.

At first glance, it is difficult to call Bazarov's relationship with his parents warm and affectionate. You can even say that he does not appreciate parental warmth and care at all. But this is far from true. He sees and notices everything, even experiences reciprocal feelings. But to show them openly, he is not something that he does not know how, he simply does not consider it necessary to do this. And others do not allow this.

Bazarov is negative about any attempts by parents to show joy from his presence. The Bazarov family knows this, and the parents try to hide their true feelings from him, do not show increased attention to him and do not show their love.

But all these qualities of Eugene are ostentatious. But the hero realizes this too late, only when he is already dying. Nothing can be changed or returned. Bazarov understands this, and therefore asks Odintsova not to forget his old people: “People like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire.” These words from his mouth can be compared with a declaration of love for his parents, he just does not know how to express it in another way.

But the absence or manifestation of love is not the cause of misunderstanding between generations, and the upbringing of Bazarov is a vivid confirmation of this.
He does not abandon his parents, on the contrary, he dreams that they understand him and share his convictions. Parents try to do this, but still remain true to their traditional views. It is this discrepancy that leads to the problem of the eternal misunderstanding of children and fathers.

Bazarov's behavior in relations with Odintsova is contradictory. Another contradiction of the protagonist of the novel is Bazarov's attitude towards his parents. The latter are drawn by Turgenev with extraordinary sympathy.

Bazarov's father, Vasily Ivanovich, is a retired regimental doctor, a commoner by birth, a "plebeian", as he certifies himself. A sense of pride filled his words that he "felt the pulse" of Zhukovsky himself. And in the campaigns of the Russian army, he participated directly, and the heroes of the past "knew without fail." He builds his life in accordance with the educational ideals of the past: he lives by his work, is interested in science and politics. An important step in his life was the fact that "not without significant donations, he put the peasants on quitrent and gave them his land to share." He reaches out to the younger generation, like the father of Arkady, he wants to understand the quest and claims of his son. But life moves forward so irresistibly, the changes taking place in it are so abrupt that some kind of blank wall grows between him and his son and a deep abyss opens. “Of course,” he turns to his young friends, “you, gentlemen, better know where can we keep up with you? After all, you have come to replace us.” In many ways, Vasily Ivanovich still lives with old ideas. He often speaks in the language of the 18th century, using intricate phrases and words.

The hero's mother - Arina Vlasyevna - was also shaped by the past era. She lives by old traditions and customs, she is, in the words of Turgenev, "a real Russian noblewoman of the past." She is charming, especially at the moment when this kind woman busily busies herself to treat her beloved son, whom she is so proud of, but for whom she is so fearfully worried.

Bazarov's attitude towards his parents is very uneven. On the one hand, he tries to suppress the filial feeling in himself, he is ashamed of its manifestations. More than once he speaks very sharply about his father and mother, considering love for them unnatural sentimentality. And on the other hand, he shows great human tenderness for the “old men”. He goes to Odintsova, but on the way he remembers those who are waiting for him at home, since this is his name day. And then he tries to cover up his feelings for his parents, casually throwing the phrase: "Well, they'll wait, what's the importance." But Bazarov is at home, on the eve of farewell to Odintsova. His behavior is again contradictory. He clearly does not want to fulfill the request of his father, so important for the old man. But here, touchingly and tenderly, she characterizes Odintsova's parents: there is no need to dissuade the childishly ingenuous father of anything. “And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire. In these contradictory judgments and feelings, Turgenev's hero reveals himself especially eloquently.

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The images of Bazarov's parents are also types of "fathers", but they have nothing in common with the Kirsanovs. Bazarov's parents are poor people, plebeians, "little people" and are written by Turgenev with surprising warmth and vividness. They are remembered for a long time and excite with their kindness, cordiality, sincerity. Bazarov's mother is a typical patriarchal noblewoman of the old time. She, according to the writer, should have "lived for two hundred years, in old Moscow times."

Arina Vlasyevna is a religious, fearful and sensitive woman who believed in all sorts of divination, conspiracies, dreams, omens, the end of the world, etc. She devoted herself entirely to the care of her son. Arina Vlasyevna thought most of all about how not to interfere and not to bother him. For her, all life and all its meaning consisted only in him. Eugene always felt and highly appreciated the kindness, care of his mother. Deep down he loved her. Sick, he asked her to comb his hair. Bazarov dies with the thought of his mother. "Mother? Poor! Will she feed someone now with her amazing borscht?” he said in a semi-delirious state. And although Turgenev wrote that such female types were disappearing, he nevertheless found in them that simple, humane thing that was dear and close to him.

Bazarov's father is an original person, a cheerful "head doctor", a provincial philosopher. This is a man of work, business; at the same time, he loved to dream, to talk about the greats of this world - about Rousseau, Horace, Cincinnatus, about mythological heroes. He had to see a lot in his life, rub himself in various areas, go to the war against Napoleon, where he, as a doctor, felt the pulse of Prince Wittgenstein and Zhukovsky. Vasily Ivanovich freely uses, although not accurately enough, Latin, scientific terminology. Living in the village, he strives not to overgrow with moss, to keep up with the century in science. Evgeny's father feels the changes taking place in life and believes that now the time has come, "... that everyone should get their own food with their own hands, there is nothing to rely on others: you have to work yourself."

The main life principles of Vasily Ivanovich are work and freedom. He himself likes to work in the garden, garden, provides medical assistance to the surrounding villagers. Vasily Ivanovich considers himself an obsolete person, he sees his change in his son. All his thoughts and thoughts were connected with him, he asked Arkady about him. A feeling of pride spoke in his father when Arkady told him that Evgeny was “one of the most wonderful people I have ever met.”

Vasily Ivanovich believed that Eugene would glorify his name, be famous as a scientist, gain fame in the future not only as a doctor, but, obviously, as a public figure. Stoically, courageously he endured the suffering, the illness of his son. Knowing the hopelessness of his condition, Vasily Ivanovich tried to console himself and his wife with the thought of recovery. With what delight he spoke of the arrival of Anna Sergeevna and the doctor. “He is still alive, my Eugene is alive and now he will be saved! - said Bazarov-father. - Wife! wife! .. To us an angel from heaven”.
But that was only the last and hopeless cry of complacency. In the images of the modest, inconspicuous old men of the Bazarovs, Turgenev showed people who, according to Yevgeny, cannot be found in the big light in the daytime with fire. The writer created them with the most sincere love. He poeticized his parents in the epilogue, saying touching words about them.